Crafting The Perfect Tempe Tahu Bacem: A Review

Cara Buat Bacem Tempe Sederhana Kumpulan Tips
Cara Buat Bacem Tempe Sederhana Kumpulan Tips from

As a lover of Indonesian cuisine, one of my all-time favorite dishes is tempe tahu bacem. This traditional dish is a flavorful combination of tempeh and tofu that has been marinated in a sweet and savory sauce, then slowly simmered until the flavors have melded together perfectly. While it may seem daunting to create this dish from scratch, with a little bit of patience and the right ingredients, anyone can master the art of crafting the perfect tempe tahu bacem. In this article, I will explore the steps needed to create this delicious dish, sharing tips and tricks along the way to help you achieve the perfect balance of flavors and textures.

Before we dive into the specifics of creating tempe tahu bacem, it's important to understand the history and cultural significance of this dish. Originating in the Central Java region of Indonesia, tempe tahu bacem is a popular dish that is often enjoyed during special occasions and family gatherings. The word "bacem" itself means "sweetened" in Javanese, and this dish is known for its unique combination of sweet and savory flavors. Traditionally, tempe tahu bacem is made by marinating the tempeh and tofu in a mixture of palm sugar, soy sauce, garlic, and other seasonings, then simmering the mixture in a clay pot until the flavors have fully developed. While there are many variations on this traditional recipe, the basic techniques and ingredients remain the same.

Choosing the Right Tempeh and Tofu

The first step in creating the perfect tempe tahu bacem is choosing the right ingredients. While it may be tempting to opt for cheap, mass-produced tempeh and tofu, these products often lack the depth of flavor and texture that is needed for this dish. Instead, look for high-quality tempeh and tofu that has been made using traditional methods. If you have access to an Indonesian market or specialty grocery store, this is the best place to start your search. Look for fresh, locally-made tempeh and tofu that has been produced using organic ingredients and traditional techniques. If you can't find fresh tempeh and tofu, look for frozen options that have been produced using similar methods.

When it comes to tempeh, look for varieties that have a firm texture and a nutty, slightly sweet flavor. Avoid tempeh that is overly dry or crumbly, as this can make it difficult to achieve the desired texture in your dish. Similarly, when choosing tofu, look for varieties that have a firm texture and a slightly sweet, nutty flavor. Avoid silken tofu, as this type of tofu is too soft and delicate to hold up to the marinade and cooking process.

Marinating the Tempeh and Tofu

Once you have chosen your tempeh and tofu, the next step is to marinate them in a flavorful mixture of seasonings. The key to a successful marinade is to balance the sweetness and saltiness of the ingredients, while also adding a touch of umami flavor. To create the perfect marinade, start with a base of palm sugar and soy sauce, then add in garlic, shallots, ginger, and other seasonings as desired. You can also add a touch of tamarind paste or lime juice to help balance the sweetness of the palm sugar.

Before you marinate the tempeh and tofu, it's important to slice them into bite-sized pieces. This will help to ensure that the marinade penetrates evenly and that the flavors are distributed throughout the dish. Once you have sliced the tempeh and tofu, place them in a shallow dish and pour the marinade over the top. Make sure that each piece is fully coated in the marinade, then cover the dish and refrigerate for at least 2 hours (or overnight, if possible).

Cooking the Tempe Tahu Bacem

Once the tempeh and tofu have marinated, it's time to start cooking! To create the perfect tempe tahu bacem, you will need to simmer the marinated tempeh and tofu in a mixture of water and coconut milk, along with additional seasonings as desired. Some popular additions to this dish include bay leaves, lemongrass, and galangal, which add an extra layer of flavor and aroma to the dish.

To begin, heat a large, heavy-bottomed pot over medium-high heat. Add the marinated tempeh and tofu to the pot, along with any additional seasonings that you would like to include. Pour in enough water and coconut milk to cover the tempeh and tofu, then stir to combine. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30-45 minutes, or until the sauce has thickened and the tempeh and tofu are fully cooked.

Variations on the Traditional Recipe

While the traditional recipe for tempe tahu bacem is delicious on its own, there are many variations and adaptations that you can try to make this dish your own. Some popular variations include:

Adding Vegetables

To add a bit of color and nutrition to this dish, consider adding vegetables such as carrots, green beans, or bell peppers. Simply slice the vegetables into bite-sized pieces and add them to the pot along with the tempeh and tofu. This will help to balance the sweetness of the dish and add an extra layer of texture.

Using Different Sweeteners

If you don't have access to palm sugar or would like to experiment with different flavors, try using honey, maple syrup, or brown sugar instead. Each of these sweeteners will add a slightly different flavor profile to the dish, so be sure to taste as you go to find the perfect balance of sweetness and saltiness.

Adding Spices

To give your tempe tahu bacem a bit of extra heat, consider adding spices such as cayenne pepper, chili flakes, or black pepper. These spices will help to balance the sweetness of the dish and add an extra layer of complexity to the flavors.

Using Different Proteins

If you don't have access to tempeh or tofu, you can also try using chicken, beef, or shrimp instead. Simply marinate the protein in the same mixture of seasonings, then simmer in the sauce until fully cooked.


Whether you are a seasoned chef or a novice cook, creating the perfect tempe tahu bacem is a rewarding and delicious experience. By choosing high-quality ingredients, marinating the tempeh and tofu properly, and simmering the dish until the flavors have developed fully, you can create a dish that is sure to impress your family and friends. With a bit of experimentation and creativity, you can also adapt this traditional recipe to suit your own tastes and preferences. So why not give it a try and see what delicious variations you can come up with?

Tempeh1 block (8 oz)
Tofu1 block (8 oz)
Palm sugar2 tbsp
Soy sauce2 tbsp
Garlic, minced3 cloves
Shallots, minced2
Ginger, minced1 inch piece
Water2 cups
Coconut milk1 can (13.5 oz)
Bay leaves2
Lemongrass, bruised1 stalk
Galangal, sliced1 inch piece
