Printing A3 On A4 Paper - A Graphic Designer's Review

Cara Bikin Poster Di Microsoft Word
Cara Bikin Poster Di Microsoft Word from

As a graphic designer, I often encounter the need to print A3-sized designs on A4 paper. It can be a tricky process, but I have found some helpful tips and tricks that make it easier. In this article, I will share my knowledge on how to print A3 on A4 paper, including the tools and settings you need to use. Let's dive in!

Printing A3 on A4 paper may seem impossible, but with the right tools and settings, it is achievable. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that your printer can handle A3 paper. If it cannot, you can still print A3 designs on A4 paper by using a software program that allows you to tile your design into smaller pieces that can fit on A4 paper. There are many software programs that can do this, such as Adobe Acrobat or PosteRazor.

Using Adobe Acrobat to Print A3 on A4 Paper

If you have Adobe Acrobat, it is easy to print A3 designs on A4 paper. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Open your A3-sized design in Adobe Acrobat.

Make sure that your design is in the correct orientation and scale.

Step 2: Select "Print" from the "File" menu.

Choose your printer and click on "Properties". In the "Paper/Quality" tab, select "Custom" as the paper size and enter the dimensions of A4 paper (21 x 29.7cm).

Step 3: In the "Page Sizing & Handling" section, select "Fit" under "Page Scaling".

This will ensure that your A3-sized design fits onto the A4 paper.

Step 4: Click "Print" to print your A3 design on A4 paper.

Make sure that your printer is loaded with A4 paper.

Using PosteRazor to Print A3 on A4 Paper

If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, you can use PosteRazor to print A3 designs on A4 paper. Here's how:

Step 1: Download and install PosteRazor from the website.

PosteRazor is a free software program that allows you to tile your design into smaller pieces that can fit on A4 paper.

Step 2: Open your A3-sized design in PosteRazor.

Adjust the settings to fit your design onto A4 paper, such as the paper size and margins. You can also choose the amount of overlap between the tiles.

Step 3: Click "Create Poster" to generate the tiled design.

Save the tiled design as a PDF file.

Step 4: Open the PDF file and print each tile onto A4 paper.

Make sure to align the tiles correctly and trim any excess paper if necessary.

Adjusting Printer Settings for A3 on A4 Paper

Another way to print A3 designs on A4 paper is to adjust your printer settings. Here are some tips:

Tip 1: Change the "Scale to Fit" option.

In your printer settings, look for the "Scale to Fit" option and change it to "Shrink to Fit". This will ensure that your A3 design fits onto the A4 paper.

Tip 2: Adjust the margins.

Reduce the margins of your design to make it fit onto A4 paper. This can be done in your design software or in your printer settings.

Tip 3: Use a different printer tray.

If your printer has multiple trays, try using a tray that can handle larger paper sizes. This will allow you to print your A3 design onto A4 paper without having to tile it.


Printing A3 designs on A4 paper may seem daunting, but with the right tools and settings, it is achievable. Whether you use Adobe Acrobat, PosteRazor, or adjust your printer settings, you can print your A3 designs onto A4 paper without compromising on quality. As a graphic designer, it is important to know these tips and tricks to make your workflow more efficient and effective.

Adobe AcrobatOpen your A3-sized design in Adobe Acrobat. Select "Print" from the "File" menu. In the "Paper/Quality" tab, select "Custom" as the paper size and enter the dimensions of A4 paper (21 x 29.7cm). In the "Page Sizing & Handling" section, select "Fit" under "Page Scaling". Click "Print" to print your A3 design on A4 paper.
PosteRazorDownload and install PosteRazor from the website. Open your A3-sized design in PosteRazor. Adjust the settings to fit your design onto A4 paper, such as the paper size and margins. Click "Create Poster" to generate the tiled design. Open the PDF file and print each tile onto A4 paper.
Adjust Printer SettingsChange the "Scale to Fit" option to "Shrink to Fit". Adjust the margins of your design. Use a different printer tray that can handle larger paper sizes.
