The Review: Weighing With Analytical Balance

Cara Menimbang Dengan Neraca Analitik Solution
Cara Menimbang Dengan Neraca Analitik Solution from

As a designer, precision is key in every aspect of our work. From choosing the right colors to creating the right layout, every detail matters. The same goes for weighing measurements in the laboratory. Accurate weighing is essential in producing high-quality results in experiments, and using an analytical balance is the best way to achieve this. In this review, we will discuss the proper techniques for weighing with an analytical balance, including its calibration, sample preparation, and data recording.


Before using an analytical balance, it is crucial to calibrate it to ensure accurate results. Calibration involves comparing the balance's reading to a known weight to determine if it is measuring correctly. There are two calibration methods: internal and external calibration.

Internal Calibration

Internal calibration involves using the balance's built-in calibration weight to calibrate itself. The balance will automatically perform its internal calibration when it is turned on or off, or at a specified time interval. It is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions when performing an internal calibration to ensure accurate results.

External Calibration

External calibration involves using an external weight to calibrate the balance. This method is more accurate than internal calibration and should be performed regularly, at least once a week or whenever the balance is moved. The external weight should be of a higher accuracy class than the balance being calibrated, and the weight should be placed on the center of the pan to ensure accurate readings.

Sample Preparation

Proper sample preparation is crucial in achieving accurate weighing results. The sample should be dry and free of any debris or moisture that can affect the weight measurement. Sample size is also essential; it should be large enough to cover the pan but not too large that it spills over or touches the sides of the balance. It is also important to use appropriate weighing containers, such as a glass or plastic weighing boat, to prevent contamination of the sample.

Weighing Process

When weighing a sample, it is essential to follow these steps:

  • Place the weighing container on the balance and tare it to zero.
  • Add the sample to the container and record the weight.
  • Remove the container and clean the balance.

It is also important to avoid any external factors that can affect the weighing results, such as air currents, vibrations, and temperature changes. The balance should be placed on a stable surface, away from any draft or vibration sources, and in a temperature-controlled environment.

Data Recording

Data recording is an essential part of the weighing process. It is important to record the weight measurement accurately, including any relevant information such as sample number, date, and time. The data should be recorded in a laboratory notebook or an electronic document that is easily accessible and organized. It is also important to record any deviations from the standard weighing procedure, such as recalibration or changes in sample preparation.

Data Analysis

After weighing the sample, the data should be analyzed for any outliers or errors. The data analysis can be done using statistical software or by manually calculating the mean and standard deviation. Any significant deviations from the expected results should be investigated and corrected before proceeding with further experiments.


Accurate weighing is essential in producing high-quality results in experiments. Using an analytical balance and following proper techniques for calibration, sample preparation, and data recording can ensure accurate weighing results. As designers, we understand the importance of precision, and we should apply the same level of attention to detail in the laboratory. By following these techniques, we can achieve accurate and reliable results that can lead to groundbreaking discoveries.

CalibrationExternal and Internal Calibration
Sample PreparationDry samples, appropriate container, and correct sample size
Weighing ProcessPlace container, tare, add sample, and record weight
Data RecordingAccurate record-keeping and data analysis
