The Ultimate Guide To Removing Game Data On Android

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Cara Menghapus Data Ganda atau Duplikat di Microsoft Excel 2010 from

As a gamer, you know the struggle of having limited storage space on your Android device. With the ever-growing size of games, it's easy to fill up your device's storage in no time. One way to free up some space is by deleting game data. However, it's not as simple as just pressing the delete button. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of removing game data on Android.

But first, let's talk about why you should care about deleting game data. When you play a game, it stores data such as your progress, preferences, and settings on your device. Over time, this data can accumulate and take up a significant amount of space. By deleting game data, you can free up space and potentially improve your device's performance. Plus, if you're someone who likes to switch between games frequently, deleting game data can save you from having to redownload the game every time you want to play.

Clearing App Cache

Before we dive into deleting game data, it's important to understand the difference between game data and app cache. App cache is temporary data that apps store on your device to help them load faster. While app cache doesn't take up as much space as game data, it can still accumulate over time. Clearing app cache is a quick and easy way to free up some space on your device.

To clear app cache, go to Settings > Storage > Cached Data. From there, you can clear the cache for individual apps or all apps at once. Keep in mind that clearing app cache may cause apps to take longer to load the first time you open them, but they should return to normal speed after that.

Deleting Game Data from Settings

If you want to delete game data for a specific game, you can do so from the Settings app. Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > See all apps. From there, select the game you want to delete data for and tap on Storage & cache. Here, you'll see the option to Clear Storage or Clear Data. Clearing storage will delete game data such as progress and settings, but it won't delete the game itself. Clearing data, on the other hand, will delete all data for the game, including saved games and settings.

Keep in mind that deleting game data will reset your progress in the game. If you're someone who has put a lot of time and effort into a game, make sure to back up your saved games before deleting data.

Using a Third-Party App

If you have a lot of games on your device and want a quicker way to delete game data, you can use a third-party app. There are many apps available on the Google Play Store that can help you manage your device's storage, including deleting game data. One popular app is CCleaner. CCleaner allows you to quickly and easily clear app cache and delete game data for multiple games at once.

Keep in mind that using a third-party app comes with some risks. Some apps may not be trustworthy and could potentially harm your device or steal your personal information. Make sure to read reviews and do your research before downloading and using any third-party app.

Deleting Game Data Manually

If you're someone who likes to have complete control over your device, you can delete game data manually. To do this, you'll need to use a file manager app. File manager apps allow you to access and manage files on your device. One popular file manager app is ES File Explorer.

To delete game data manually, open your file manager app and navigate to the Android folder. From there, go to data > > files. Here, you'll see a list of files that correspond to your installed games. You can delete these files to delete game data for specific games.


Deleting game data is an important part of managing your device's storage. Whether you're looking to free up some space or improve your device's performance, deleting game data can help. We've covered four different methods for deleting game data on Android: clearing app cache, deleting game data from Settings, using a third-party app, and deleting game data manually. No matter which method you choose, make sure to back up your saved games before deleting data.

Clearing App CacheQuick and easyMay cause apps to load slower initially
Deleting Game Data from SettingsAllows you to delete data for specific gamesResets progress in the game
Using a Third-Party AppQuick and easy for multiple gamesPotential security risks
Deleting Game Data ManuallyComplete control over which files to deleteRequires more time and effort
